I remember one time me and Bruce were at Suzy Q's shooting pool. The bathroom is downstairs and it is kinda dark. There are not very many lights down there, so I would make Bruce go down there with me. Every time I would go down to the bathroom with him he would hurry up and come and hide by the wall & jump out and scare me.
So I decided I was going to get him one day. Well that one day came Bruce had to go to the bathroom and I didn't, so I waited by the wall of the ladies room, I could hear him coming down tha hall way, I waited until he got really close and I jumped out and said ROAR really loud, I scared the shit out of him alright, but IT WASN'T BRUCE THAT I SCARED!!!!!! Some other guy was down there and I didn't know it. Bruce must have thought I was going to scare him, because he waited for that guy to get done and watched me scare the shit out of him, and he stood down the hall and laughed his ass off at me.
I was so embarassed !!!!! That guy ran up those stairs so fast I couldn't even remember what he looked like. When we got upstairs I had to apologize to him, and try to explain what happened. I don't think he cared, he just thought I was a psycho....